Ball tracking (Basketball)


is it possible to use this software only for ball tracking?

I dont need the stitching function because i take full court videos.

Not ActionStitch, but I ported my AI ball tracking algorithm to a small SBC which can now do real-time tracking and streaming off a low-cost 180 degree panorama camera. Here is a previously record live stream:


I’m Not looking for live streaming but to add AI ball tracking to my full court videos
like this - LINK
and from the link you posted it does exactly what im looking for.

how can i use your AI ball tracking algorithm on my videos?

My tracking solution isn’t ready for beta testing yet. I’ll let you know in a couple of months.

Have you tried @ziyang.zhou’s solution: Ball tracking on full court video - #4 by ziyang.zhou?

Hi! Thanks for the plug. I was wondering if I could dm you and talk to you about how you developed your solution? I’m very interested to see how you made your video so smooth. (I don’t know how to use this site loll)

@ziyang.zhou solution is excatly what im looking for but sadly it doesnt work on windows and
I didnt manage to run it on mac (it fails).

He did try to help me but it didnt work for me at the end.

If someone can test it and bring it back to life to work on windows it would be awesome