Scratching my head here. I have two GoPro Hero 8 cameras but after stitching, the footage on one is darker than the other.
Settings on both:
Resolution: 4K
FPS: 30
Lens: Wide
HyperSmooth: Off
Low Light: N/A
Zoom: 1.0x
Clips: Off
Bit Rate: Standard
Shutter: Auto
EV Comp: 0
White Balance: Auto
ISO Min: 100
ISO Max: 1600
Sharpness: High
Color: GoPro
RAW Audio: Off
Wind: Auto
Mics: Stereo
One stitched video shows the right (CAM2) as darker while a different video shows the left (CAM1) as being darker. One thing that I did notice is that the sunlight is brighter on the camera that ends up being darker so maybe that is the issue. Any assistance would be appreciated.
This is because GoPro set different exposure levels due to the different orientations to the sunlight. When I film using my GoPro 10’s, I always enable the spot meter mode, move the exposure box to the same area of the field (that is, move the exposure box to the right on the left camera, and move to the left on the right camera) and then lock the exposure on both cameras. You can find the instruction on the exposure lock on a simple camera here:
However I don’t know if GoPro 8 supports this feature.
Thanks for the info! After making the post, I found more about underexposure and saw some video editing fixes, so I thought I’d have to do that. I meant to delete the post when I realized the issue was with my GoPro, but I’m glad I didn’t—your response was super helpful and will definitely help others too. Just FYI, the GoPro 8 has a spot meter mode, so I’ll adjust the exposure while recording from now on. Thanks again!