Ffmpeg missing on Macbook

I downloaded version 1.0 and ?I started to get that error. MacBook.
2022-11-06 11:21:03,199 WARNING RuntimeError: No ffmpeg exe could be found. Install ffmpeg on your system, or set the IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE environment variable.

2022-11-06 11:21:03,491 INFO stitch 1half_surf.mp4: an exception occurred: RuntimeError(‘No ffmpeg exe could be found. Install ffmpeg on your system, or set the IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE environment variable.’)

which ffmpeg returns: /opt/homebrew/bin/ffmpeg

Question1: How do I fix this? version issue?
Question2: is there a way to just run FFmpeg without having to restart the stitch from the start?



hi @davidpaquet

this is an issue in the mac version, which should be fixed with the next version.

Answer1: stitch it without sound
Answer2: wait for the new version of actionstitch, which should come out this week. @gchen right?

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You can find a .mp3 and a .mp4 in the hidden folder .actionstitch under the output directory. Run this command to create the final mp4 with audio:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -i input.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec aac -shortest output.mp4

Hi, where and how could I do it? I found the hidden folder with both files, but if I open the terminal and run the command ill get the following info

zsh: command not found: ffmpeg

and do I have to edit the command, so that the correct files will be merged?

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You need to install ffmpeg. The easiest way is to install it via homebrew:

brew install ffmpeg

Or you can go to Download FFmpeg and download the macOS binary.

Yes, you’ll need to modify the command to replace input and output with the actual file names you have.

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Were you able to release a new version?

See this post for the links to a beta release: Upgrade/updates