Access to video at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
I’m processing the second half at the moment and I will see if the audio is in sync or not.
For the bitrate it’s ok for the moment, as I know that for the size of the video ant the time we need to figure the compromise quality/size
I did modify the play.html for it to be in the perspective correction at startup. But I still need to move a little bit the “screen tilt” slider for the geometry to be applied correctly. I can do a screen recording of it to show you if you want.
Did you mean that the scene still looks curved after you adjust the screen tilt parameter? You’ll need to adjust the other 2 parameters as well. In particular, if you’re shooting the video with GAMSOD, the focal length should be around 2000.
I did modified the parameters in the play.html file for them to applied as soon I clic one of the link. But it seems that the “screen tilt” parameter is not applied at the load of the play.html as I need to move the slider back and forth for the value to be applied.
Here I put the first clips of the 1st half (left and right) plus the result stitch for juste those 2 smaller clips if you want to do test with it but as I said previously, it’s no big deal for me to correct it in post after the stitching.
It could be cool in the future to be able to control the parameters for the mp4 export settings.
The audio offset in the resulting stitch seems to be around half a second. Here are the files :