The last two times that I stitched two 44GB mp4 files together, the result is a 4-5 GB stitched file. I’m not sure what’s happening here…but this was not the case before. Typically, the file was gigantic and I would down-res to 1080p or 720p in Adobe Premier Pro so that the final file size was more reasonable before I saved it…any ideas what’s going on?
4-5 GB is in the normal range to me. Action cameras tend to produce much larger video files due to their weak encoders. You can always check the bit rate of video files to see if there are any changes.
Ahh…ok, I think the issue is the order of my process…
Before, I used to stitch each 10 minute video segment together before finishing the edit in Premier Pro. That led to bigger file sizes (unless I compressed them, etc). That must be why.