On Screen Title Request

Hi ActionStitch,
I am helping my son-in-law by buying all items and your software to setup to record my grandsons soccer games. He will process the files and make them available to us for viewing.

Can you provide a on-screen field to label ( four corners) for example date/score/other info within the fields ?

This would help rather the viewing a computer file title that has to be cryptic to manage file naming restriction.

Appreciate your consideration.

Rick Camarillo

How do you update the score when a goal is scored? I can’t think of a good way to enter such information that changes over time.

I’m sorry, i guess my question was not clear enough.

These are entered when setting up stitch parameters, fixed information

I want label on screen
Upper left >>> Date
Upper right >> location or competitor
Lower left >> file name
Lower right >> final score

These are entered when setting up stitch parameters.

This would benefit, Grandma with who, what, when & where

Appreciate your consideration.
