Output file size

Hello I did my first stitch and the files that I was using were 3gb and 2gb but the output is only 432mb. Does that seem right? Did I do something wrong? I figured the file size would be about the size of the 4k videos I have. Here is a link to the video i created. Any feedback is much appreciated.

I saw the request to share the file and i granted it

This is normal. The raw video files produced by those action cameras are much larger because their encoders are generally less powerful due to power constraints so there are less compression.

Awesome thank you for the info. I just want to make sure that i am doing it fine. Also how far should everything be because in the video when they are at the bittom of the screen and closer to the cameras i see a slight change as they go between the cameras. I figured it is because they were to close to the camera. Am i correct?