How to get ball tracking to work?

I think I missed something maybe in my setup, but my first final stitched project was just a zoomed out version of the full field. I had a weird line where the two cameras came together. It wasn’t bad, but I thought it would track the ball. The software guide wasn’t really helpful when it came to setting the stitching settings. Will this only work in 4k or would 1080P work as well?

I’ve built AI ball tracking as another program and haven’t integrated it into ActionStitch. You probably got your information from AI ball tracking solved.

You can send the video link if you want it ball-tracked. Otherwise, you’ll need my panorama video player:

Hey gchen, anything new abiut that. When this will be available ? So it will be a different software ?

I’m building a web service where you can upload 180 degree videos and have them tracked and cropped. It should be available for testing in a couple of months.

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Im have a lot of 180 degree basketball videos and i would love to see how it works.

Yeah good ! So it will be able to zoom too ?
Please dont make it as expensive as SeeUsPlay :confused:

Btw what do you recommend, getting 2 gopro or getting a 180degrees camera ?

At this time I don’t recommend any 180 degree camera because none of them support 30 fps. By the end of this year there should be some new models available that offers much better frame rates.

I would suggest getting 2 used GoPro 10s. Newer models have minimal improvements and are not worth the extra money.