Mixing GoPro 9 and 10?

Great idea. I am ready to dive in, but on a budget. I only have one GoPro, a Hero 9. Thinking I might be able to borrow someone’s Hero 10. I know that you have not tested this, but what is your best guess whether a Hero 10 and a Hero 9 mix on the same settings (5.3/30fps) would be able to stitch? They don’t use the same version of HyperSmooth, but I have zero clue whether that matters.

I am looking at this for personal use, but we are part of a huge club and I would be excited to see the dozens of other teams use it.


No reason why this won’t work. Hero 9 only supports 5k instead of 5.3k but ActionStitch can stitch videos with different resolutions. HyperSmooth needs to be turned off so that doesn’t matter either.

@bernd.christiansen may have already tried this: Use one Hero 9 and one Hero 10 to capture 180 degree videos. @bernd.christiansen would you mind sharing some videos if you have done so?

Another thing, GoPro 9 isn’t officially supported yet so you’ll need to download the calibration file from actionstitch-player/calibration at main · gilbertchen/actionstitch-player · GitHub and chose Load from file when selecting the camera.

I took some video and trying to stitch the first five minutes as a trial. I downloaded the gopro_9.npz file and used that as my camera. Everything seems fine until I go to stitch and it says “Error: failed to read frame 58” of the Hero 9 file. Is this because of the trial status of the software?

This is a known issue with GoPro9. Please see this post for the fix:

Ok, I got past the first error. I tried a couple times and am getting the following error:

an exception occur: NameError(“name ‘Exception’ is not defined”).

This does not happen until the end of the stitch.


This bug has been fixed in 0.10: https://download.actionstitch.com/actionstitch_0.10.exe

You can also work around it by disabling the audio.